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The worldwide way
An intelligent synthesis of Daoist, Gnostic (Sufi) & Yogic teachings
Prepare your outer life
"Seek a broad balance of life experience"
While balancing action, feeling and thought
Harm no one – help those near to you.
Respond positively – don't react.
Understand others – change yourself.
This tunes your outer life to your Inner Self – rather than gross body reactions ruling your inner life, as they do in unrefined people.
(Abdullah Dougan: develop the 3 brains, make the body obedient)
"Cultivate your Energy"
Train genuine
Taiji, Yoga, or similar
This supports your Inner Self's growth within the Deep Mind's 3 levels (etheric, astral & celestial).
(Abdullah Dougan: strengthen the Inner Self)
"Refine the Inner Self"
Change yourself through
Struggle, Acceptance, Separation
Relate to others by practising
Giving, Receiving, Sharing
Open to higher influences with
Respect, Gratitude, Humility
This assists your Inner Self to evolve deeper into the inner realms.
(Abdullah Dougan: make the Inner Self passive to the Spirit)
"Reach for the Beyond"
Direct your mind towards your highest concept of the Beyond, then realise, as the Beyond grows within, that your outer human existence is next to nothing.
This allows the Inner Self to gradually dissolve its outer structure and merge with the Spirit.
(Abdullah Dougan: destroy the ego)
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